Tired of ceaseless war destroying humans, spirits, and demons alike, the Demon King of Tyranny, Anos Voldigoad, reincarnates to restore peace. Two thousand years have passed...but who could have known that his descendants’ complacency would cause magic to regress so much? After receiving an invitation to the illustrious Demon King Academy, a school tasked with locating the reincarnated founding ancestor, Anos resolves to enroll, only to discover that his magic is off the charts—literally! With power too great to be measured, the former Demon King is branded a misfit. How will he convince demonkind that the school’s founder stands before them? Thus begins a misfit’s climb to the top of the demon hierarchy!
Tired of ceaseless war destroying humans, spirits, and demons alike, the Demon King of Tyranny, Anos Voldigoad, reincarnates to restore peace. Two thousand years have passed...but who could have known that his descendants’ complacency would cause magic to regress so much? After receiving an invitation to the illustrious Demon King Academy, a school tasked with locating the reincarnated founding ancestor, Anos resolves to enroll, only to discover that his magic is off the charts—literally! With power too great to be measured, the former Demon King is branded a misfit. How will he convince demonkind that the school’s founder stands before them? Thus begins a misfit’s climb to the top of the demon hierarchy!
With the fraudulent Demon King’s trap foiled, peace has been restored...for now. Anos, however, is still none the wiser about his opponent’s greater scheme. Speaking of schemes, the Demon Sword Tournament is fast approaching, and Anos is set up to enter—accompanied by a mysterious transfer student known as the “Demon Swordsmaster.” Is this part of a petty prank on the misfit, or is it another of Avos Dilhevia’s nefarious plots? Either way, Anos knows what to do—cut the crap and crush the competition! Rejoin Anos in the Magical Age for a sword tournament like no other in the second volume of The Misfit of Demon King Academy!
The world may be at peace, but old grudges die hard. Upon invitation to the Gairadite Hero Academy, the students of Delsgade embark for the continent of Azesion, but there’s something fishy about the timing of this educational exchange. All is revealed during the inter-academy exam when a test of strength becomes a test of wit. The third years suffer an embarrassing defeat at the hands of these so-called heroes, and Anos must step up to avenge them—no matter the foe he must face. For lurking in the background is the ever scheming imposter whose time to step out from the shadows draws near. Behold the next step on a misfit’s path of domination in the third volume of The Misfit of Demon King Academy, the Hero Academy Arc!
The war between demon and man has been successfully thwarted, marking the students’ return to the Demon King Academy. If only peace were so easy to obtain. The people of Dilhade must now face the truth about the long-awaited Demon King and adjust to the abolishment of royalty. Anos must tread carefully–for old enemies, and even old friends, have been awaiting his return. A familiar face from two thousand years ago then arrives at the Demon King Academy—but he’s somehow been possessed by a god! Nosgalia the Heavenly Father, who opposed Anos during the Mythical Age, swears to impose his downfall and return order to the world. But can order truly fight the foe that abolishes all reason? Find out in the fourth installment of The Misfit of Demon King Academy: the Great Spirit Arc!
The truth is out—the fraudulent Demon King, Avos Dilhevia, is a great spirit. And with his legendary power, he seizes control of Dilhade. In order to learn the secret of the great spirit’s birth and stop Avos once and for all, Anos must go back in time to Aharthern two thousand years ago. There, he witnesses a loving family torn apart by a tragedy that will explain everything... Every injustice, every tragedy will fall before the Demon King of Tyranny! The misfit’s path to domination continues as the Great Spirit Arc reaches its emotional climax!
With the second coming of the Demon King of Tyranny, Dilhade is finally at peace, but sightings of dragons, which were thought to be extinct, have been reported all over Azesion. When the Demon King Academy and Hero Academy team up to deal with the creatures, they discover an unknown world beneath the ground. Meanwhile, a mysterious man with a god by his side appears before Anos. The man, a draconid, tells him of the Selection, a trial in which eight gods summon representatives to fight each other and the victor becomes a proxy of the gods, and of how Anos has been chosen as one of the representatives. Anos pursues the man to the underground world—the divine capital, Gaelahesta—where he takes down his new “rival” and befriends the familiar yet not-so-familiar god...